Common Rubber Plant Issues And Their Resolution

Ficus Elastica is also known as rubber plants. They are low-maintenance plants. They will thrive in your home if you give them a little love and care. However, no matter how competent you are as a parent, there may be occasional issues with rubber plants.

If you’re having trouble with your rubber plants and don’t know where to turn, contact Florist Woollahra.

If caught early, these rubber plant problems can be easily resolved. Our top recommendations will help you identify and solve rubber plant problems.

Common Rubber Plant Problems

What Is The Matter With Your Rubber Tree?

Healthy rubber plants have emerald green leaves. You can tell if the plant is healthy by its rapid growth.

You can usually tell if your plant is sick quickly. Are your leaves turning yellow? Are your leaves dejected or withered? Blackening plants? These are signs that your rubber plant isn’t thriving. These are the solutions!

Why Are The Leaves Of Your Rubber Plant Curling?

Modify the soil if your rubber plant’s foliage curls. Over- or under-watering can cause this problem. Make sure to review your watering schedule. Let the soil dry between waterings and then water the plant until the water runs through the drainage holes.

Why Are The Leaves Of Your Rubber Plant Going Yellow?

The yellowing of leaves can also be caused by insufficient water. Overwatered rubber plants can cause paler leaves. Avoid overwatering. Water the plant once the soil has dried to the surface. Do not allow the soil to become saturated.

What Produces Brown Patches On The Leaves Of Rubber Plants?

Black leaf stains could be caused by sunburn or waterlogging. Rubber plants are not as prone to drying out as other houseplants. Overwatering can cause brown spots. To prevent soil saturation, make sure you give your container enough water.

Should You Chop Off A Rubber Plant’s Brown Leaves?

Brown spots on the leaf can be treated, but they cannot be restored. These portions can be cut to restore the plant’s green glory. The plant will still get energy from the remaining leaf.

How Can An Overwatered Rubber Plant Be Remedied?

Do not water a rubber plant that has been overwatered. Let the soil dry completely before you re-water. It’s that simple! Repotting the plant is necessary to treat root rot. In a week to ten days, you should notice improvement.

Why Are The Leaves Of Your Rubber Plant Going Black?

There are many causes of the black leaf. Pests and diseases of rubber plants are rare. Black patches are created by mold, bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Overwatering promotes root rot. Droopy leaves and slow growth are signs of root rot. The soil cannot drain well because of excessive overwatering. Roots rot without air.

Root rot can often be avoided. The dirt can be thrown away by removing the plant from the pot. Let the weak roots fall out naturally by removing mushy roots. After that, spray the rubber-plant-safe fertilizer on the roots and let them air dry for at least one day. To prevent this from happening again, place your rubber plant into a container filled with new soil and drainage holes.

How Does One Align A Rubber Plant?

Rubber plants, like many houseplants, enjoy the sun. To absorb the sun’s rays, they will reach for bright spots. You may need to relocate your rubber plant to a place where it won’t have as much sun. To promote even growth, rotate your plant every other day after you have repositioned it.

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